
  1. Welcome!

    This community site is being developed to share Biblical content and Principles based on modern day revelation, and a Unificationist perspective, which will be new to many of you.  We are offering this site and its contents in a labor of love, with prayerful hearts, and respect for our visitors.  

    We call this site "Origins Bible Insights" because our goal is to share Biblical content in a way that clarifies the *original principles*, intent, purpose and the Heart of God, from the creation process until now.

    There is much to share, but our hope and intent is to shine a light on the Bible and to offer content and insights that are relevant to today's 
    environment of logic, reason and science.  We even want to take it further into helping visitors come to understand and experience the heart of God as their own.  Which, in essence, is what being and living as the "image of God" really means.

    You're welcome to scroll through the forums and contents below.  And visit often, as there is much more on the way. 


